
Why hello there

Welcome to my humble site. My name is Sebastiaan Swinkels and I’m currently running a landscaping company of one called Leafs Garden Projects, I am co-owner / operator of the webshop Garden Inspirience and self taught webdeveloper.

I love new technology and reading up on it. I also love tinkering with stuff and eventually taking things apart and modifying them. Sometimes that means significantly improving the item, sometimes it means going back to the store and getting a new one.

About the blog

As a webdeveloper I absolutely hate using a predefined WordPress environment that I basically have no control over and cannot change beyond the basic settings in the WordPress backend. My other sites are hosted elsewhere and except for the physical server itself I have full control over them.

So why am I using a freebie from WordPress? Well initially because i didn’t know if i would actually end up updating it with new content every now and then but for now i just don’t want to deal with yet another hostingpackage, domain and custom setup. Plus the WordPress-hosted blogs are automagically updated.


Anyone who has seen the main page of my blog must have seen that i have a passion for coffee. Good coffee that is. I also have a love for Espressomachines and a wide variety of other methods to prepare coffee. Recently i started tinkering with a few basic espressomachines and coffeegrinders to figure out how they work, making repairs and improvements along the way. All those projects end up in my recently created “Current Projects” category.

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